Top ten places to visit in Jeonju, South Korea

Jeonju markets itself as the place to experience real Korea. Jeonju has many of the country’s highlights in one place making it a fantastic place to visit. There is plenty of historical and cultural sights, natural landscapes and excellent culinary delights. It is located about 2 hours south of Seoul and about 40 minutes east of Gunsan.

10. See a soccer game the Jeonbuk World Cup Stadium

One of South Korea’s best local teams hails from the Jeollabuk-do region, where Jeonju is the capital. You can watch a soccer game for as little as $10 at the local stadium and see some quality play. One big benefit is you can bring your own food and drinks (including beer) into the stadium to enjoy while you watch the game. Even if you do buy food and beverages inside the prices are reasonable.

9. Jeondong Catholic Church

Jeondong Catholic Cheurch in Jeonju.
Jeondong Catholic Cheurch in Jeonju.

Located near the other main tourist sites of Jeonju near the hanok village, it worth having a quick walk around this church. Built in the early 1900s in honor of Catholic martyrs that lost their lives on the same spot. The stained glass windows look particular excellent on a sunny day.

8. Hike at Moaksan

Only a short bus trip out of the city and you can be surrounded in nature on one of the numerous Korean mountains. Moaksan is about 40 minutes of the center of Jeonju and hikes range from 2-6 hours depending on your speed and the route you take. The view from the top is amazing. On the way up and down you might pass some temples built into the side of the mountain.

7. Try a Jeonju PNB Choco Pie

One of Jeonju’s famous foods is the PNB Choco Pie. Created locally by the PNB bakery, it extremely popular among locals and visitors. When invented this choco pie saved the bakery from bankruptcy due to its popularity. When looking for an authentic choco pie look for the PNB shops with yellow and brown signage.

6. Walk through Gaeksa

The bustling open air shopping mall of Jeonju is Gaeksa. Many shops and restaurants line the streets of this modern marketplace. You should be able to find any type of shop and restaurant in these streets. There is even a cinema street with about 4 different cinemas, which really gets busy during the Jeonju International Film Festival.

5. Hike up Omokdae for the view

Omokdae is a small mountain near the Hanok village and other tourist sites in Jeonju. The hike up only takes 10 minutes and you get some fantastic views of Jeonju, especially the Hanok village. If you follow the signs to Imokdae and cross the bridge you can visit a mural village with some awesome art work and chic cafes.

4. Take a stroll around Deokjin Park

Located near the Chonbuk National University is Deokjin park and lake. Extremely popular in summer and when the Lotus flowers are in bloom. It is nice to take a stroll around the lake. If you are more adventurous you can hire a swan pedal bike and experience Deokjin from a different angle.

3. Visit Gyeongijeon

Originally built in 1410 this palace now holds the portraits of King Taejo and shares the history of the Joseon Dynasty. English tours are available which take you through the palace grounds and all the buildings. Then you get to see the copies of the portraits of King Taejo in the small art gallery. Worth a visit especially for any Korean history fans or those who are interested in architecture.

2. Stay in the hanok village

Probably the most popular place to stay in Jeonju is the hanok village (or maul in Korean). Staying in a traditional hanok is a fantastic experience, sleeping on thick mattresses on the heated floor. Many hanok will also offer free hire of a hanbok, the traditional Korean clothing. It is great fun to dress up and walk around the traditional village eating bibimbap and choco pies.

1. Eat some Jeonju Bibimbap

Jeonju style bibimbap.
Jeonju style bibimbap.

Bibimbap is one of Korea’s most famous foods apart from BBQ and fried chicken. It originally came from the Jeonju region and the city is proud of this fact. There are many bibimbap restaurants serving up the famous Jeonju style bibimbap which consists of rice covered in a range of local vegetables with beef and egg. Sometimes up to 30 different ingredients are used in the one dish.

So there are plenty of exciting and cultural things to do in Jeonju. Whether you are a foodie, interested in architecture or like to be in nature, there is something for you here. Let us know what you think about Jeonju and if we missed any amazing outings.