Top ten punctual mega airports in 2018

Aircraft being punctual is one of the most important metrics for an airport. It shows how efficient they are working with airlines to get planes departing and arriving on time. Airports and airlines use on time performance (OTP) as the measurement of punctuality. Which is how many planes depart/arrive within 15 minutes of their schedule. We are looking at the OTP of mega airports, these are airports with 30+ million seats departing annually.

Depature board of LAX, the fifth most punctual airport,.
LAX Departures Board, getting most aircraft out on time.

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Top ten punctual mainline airlines in 2018

Aircraft being punctual is of utmost importance to airlines and their customers. This is particularly the case for the the mainline airlines which are the top 250 operators globally based on available seat kilometers. Airline punctuality is generally measured in On Time Performance (OTP), a percentage of when they arrive and depart within 15 minutes of their schedule.

10. All Nippon Airways (ANA)

All Nippon Airways - ANA's logo, the number 10 punctual mainline airline.
All Nippon Airways – ANA, the number 10 punctual mainline airline.

ANA, one of the major Japanese airlines starts our top ten list with an on time performance of 84.43%. Above all, ANA only just beat out the other major Japanese airline, Japan Airlines, which got an OTP of 83.99%. Especially important due to the busy routes these two airlines compete on.

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Top ten highest capacity commercial passenger jet airliners

Airliners these days are becoming larger and more efficient due to the greater number of  people in the world using air transport. Lets have a look at the highest capacity commercial passenger jet airliners in the world today.

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