Top ten meditation apps

Meditation and mindfulness has become a highly talked about concept in recent years. It is purported to have many benefits including:

  • improved sleep,
  • reduces stress,
  • improved mental clarity,
  • assists in controlling anxiety and depression,
  • increases focus and attention span, and many more.

An app can help you get started with meditation and keep a habit. Most of the apps have paid subscription of around the $90 mark, which is a relatively cheap price to pay if you find it greatly improves your health and well being.

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Top ten places to study or work as a digital nomad in Korea

Whether you are a student on exchange in Korea or a digital nomad visiting the amazing country; sometimes you need a place to get some work done without distractions. We have put together this list of great places you can go to focus and complete your work or study.

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Top ten indoor activities to do in Seoul, Korea

Seoul is a busy, exciting city with plenty to do, including heaps of indoor activities. Perfect for the rainy days, snowy weather and heat waves of Seoul. Today we are going to take you through the top ten activities to consider if you are in Seoul during one of the above scenarios. Hope you find this enjoyable and helpful!

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