Top ten DOTA 2 lane combinations

Juggernaut, DOTA 2

There are currently 115 (as of writing this) heroes in DOTA 2, this leads to many different combinations of teams and lanes. Lets have a look at my top ten laning combinations to for you to try out in the lanes next time you play DOTA 2. If you are interested in seeing the best players of these heroes, check out our top player posts in preparation for The International 2019. We have posts for mid laners, carries, offlaners and supports!

10. Venomancer and Viper

Venomancer, the king of slows and DOTs (Damage Over Time).
Venomancer, the king of slows and DOTs (Damage Over Time).

Probably one of the most annoying combinations to lane against in the game. Viper and Venomancer will slow and chase down any hero in the early game, especially with an Orb of Venom :). While this is a bit of a fun lane it can also work into the late game with both heroes able to output huge amounts of damage especially if they have a great laning stage.

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Top ten highest capacity commercial passenger jet airliners

Airliners these days are becoming larger and more efficient due to the greater number of  people in the world using air transport. Lets have a look at the highest capacity commercial passenger jet airliners in the world today.

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Top ten motivational quotes by Arnold Schwarzenegger

A bodybuilder, actor, politician, philanthropist and much more, most people can agree that Arnold Schwarzenegger has had a successful life. Over his successful life he seems to have figured a few things out and captured them in some motivational quotes.

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Top ten motivational quotes by Casey Neistat

One of, if not, the most famous personalities on YouTube, Casey Neistat is a greatly successful and motivational person. Known for giving motivational speeches as well, let’s have a look into the top ten motivational quotes by Casey Neistat.

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Top ten luxury train journeys to take in 2018

Travelling by train is a slower way to travel but it allows to you to experience a more scenic adventure. Whether zooming along a coastline, through tunnels, on top of mountains or crossing rivers there is always amazing things to see from a train. There are many amazing luxury train routes around the world, but let’s have a look at the top ten train journeys for 2018.

10. Maharajas’ Express

One of many trains that run through the vast Indian subcontinent, with this route running between Delhi and Mumbai. Taking 7 nights and 8 days to make the journey, there are many historical sights to see in the two cities and along the way. Probably one the most expensive trains in the world, prices range form $12,000 USD up to $47,400 USD for the “Presidential Suite”.

Maharajas' Express, one of India's many luxury trains.
Maharajas’ Express, one of India’s many luxury trains.

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